What is the cost to make the best solar panels?
Solar Energy System is of two types An off-grid system , not connected to the grid and is also known as a standalone system. This type of solar needs battery backup for energy use at night and then lights up at night. It does not require battery backup if it is used only during the day. For example, if you use it for 3-4 hours during peak sun to pump water from a deep well for irrigation purposes. This type of solar power system is mostly in rural areas Ordinary people are used to working where there is limited / no grid connection. On-grid or grid-connected system means, connected to the grid through the net-metering process. It does not require battery backup to get power from this type of solar and is, therefore, cheaper than a standalone system. This type of solar power system is mostly used by people in cities and towns. What is Net-Metering? Net metering is a billing process that gives owners of solar power systems a credit for electricity connected to the grid. For example...